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Patents (Filed)

  • A Grinding Machine (Filed, Indian Patent, Application Number: 202541006645)

  • Apparatus and method for Magneto-Hydrodynamic Abrasive Polishing (Indian Patent, Application Number: 202441089668)

  • Method and system for cooling workpiece during grinding/cutting process (Indian Patent, Application Number: 202441035424)

Keynotes and Presentations


  • Dry Grinding – A Novel Approach with Refrigeration based Cooling (short-term course on "Applications & Challenges in Industrial and Manufacturing Operations" organized by NIT Kurukshetra on 21-10-2024)

  • Challenges and Recent Advances in Grinding, The Institution of Engineers (India) Palghat Local Centre on 18-02-2024

  • Micro Grinding: Insights and Challenges, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi on 13-10-2021

  • Understanding the Analysis of Variance (Short Term Training Program on "Design of Experiments in Engineering" organized by B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur on 05-01-2021) 

  • Recent Advances in Grinding (Faculty Development Program on Teaching and Learning of Advances in Manufacturing Technologies organized by NIT Warangal on 03-12-2020) 

  • Recent Advances in Grinding (Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends in Advanced Machining and Additive Manufacturing organized by Rajasthan Technical University and SKIT Jaipur on 08-09-2020) 

  • Keynote: J.C. Aurich*, B. Kirsch, Dinesh Setti, D. Axinte, A. Beaucamp, P. Butler-Smith, H. Yamaguchi: Abrasive Processes for Micro Parts and Structures (*Presented at 69th CIRP general assembly, Birmingham, UK on 19-08-2019)

  • Kinematic simulation of micro grinding process (Presented at 68th CIRP general assembly, Tokyo, Japan on 23-08-2018)

  • Experimental investigations and simulation of micro grinding process (Presented at University of California, Davis, USA on 09-10-2017)

  • Experimental investigations and simulation of micro grinding process (Presented at University of California, Berkeley, USA on 06-10-2016)





  1. Vaisakh Babu S, Dinesh Setti, Grindability of additively manufactured Inconel 718, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2024; 112: 238-247. (Impact Factor: 6.2) (Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) 


  1. Dinesh Setti, Peter A. Arrabiyeh, B. Kirsch, M. Heintz, J.C. Aurich, Analytical and Experimental Investigations on Mechanism of Surface generation in micro grinding, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2020; 149: 103489. (Impact Factor: 14) (Q1 Journal in the category of Mechanical Engineering, Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering)  (Accepted manuscript can be downloaded here)


  1. Peter A. Arrabiyeh, Dinesh Setti, S. Basten, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich, Micro grinding 16MnCr5 hardened steel using micro pencil grinding tools with diameters ∼50 μm, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2019; 27: 1- 10. (Impact Factor: 4.8) (Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) (Accepted manuscript can be downloaded here)

  2. J.C. Aurich, B. Kirsch, Dinesh Setti, D. Axinte, A. Beaucamp, P. Butler-Smith, H. Yamaguchi: Abrasive Processes for Micro Parts and Structures, CIRP-Annals Manufacturing Technology, 2019; 68(2): 653-676. (Impact Factor: 4.1) (Q1 Journal in the category of Mechanical Engineering, Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) (Accepted manuscript can be downloaded here)

  3. Dinesh Setti, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Characterization of micro grinding tools using optical profilometry, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2019; 121: 150-155. (Impact Factor: 4.6) (Q1 Journal in the category of Mechanical Engineering) (Accepted manuscript can be downloaded here)

  4. Dinesh Setti, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich: Experimental investigations and kinematic simulation of single grit scratched surfaces considering pile-up behaviour: grinding perspective, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019; 103(1): 471-485. (Impact Factor: 3.4) (Q1 Journal in the category of Mechanical Engineering, Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) (Accepted manuscript can be downloaded here)


  1. Dinesh Setti, Sudarsan Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: Influence of nanofluid application on wheel wear, coefficient of friction and redeposition phenomenon in surface grinding of Ti-6Al-4V. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018; 232(1): 128-140. (Impact Factor: 2.6) (Q1 Journal in the category of Mechanical Engineering, Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) (In the list of Editor´s choice articles) 


  1. Dinesh Setti, Sudarsan Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: A method for prediction of active grits count in surface grinding.Wear, 2017; 382-383: 71-77. (Impact Factor: 5.0) (Q1 Journal in the category Mechanics of Materials)

  2. B. C. Behera, Chetan, Dinesh Setti, S. Ghosh, P. V. Rao: Spreadability studies of metalworking fluids on tool surface and its impact on minimum amount cooling and lubrication turning. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017; 224:1-16. (Impact Factor: 6.3) (Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering)


  1. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Dinesh Setti, Sudarsan Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: An investigation on surface burn during grinding of Inconel 718. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2016; 21:124-133. (Impact Factor: 6.2) (Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) 

  2. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Dinesh Setti, Sudarsan Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: An alternate method for optimization of minimum quantity lubrication parameters in surface grinding. International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2016; 18(5/6):586-605. (Q2 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) 


  1. Dinesh Setti, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Sudarsan Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: An investigation into the application of Al2O3nanofluid-based minimum quantity lubrication technique for grinding of Ti-6Al-4V. International Journal of Precision Technology, 2015; 4(3/4):268 - 279.

  2. Dinesh Setti, Sudarsan Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: A modified model for estimating the contact length in surface grinding. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2015; 229(9): 1669-1677. (Impact Factor: 2.6) (Q1 Journal in the category of Mechanical Engineering, Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering)  (Accepted manuscript can be downloaded here)

  3. Dinesh Setti, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Sudarsan Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: Performance evaluation of Ti-6Al-4V grinding using chip formation and coefficient of friction under the influence of nanofluids. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015; 88:237-248. (Impact Factor: 14) (Q1 Journal in the category of Mechanical Engineering, Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) (In the list of Top-Cited Journal Research Articles for a period of more than two years)


  1. Dinesh Setti, Nitesh Kumar Yadav, Sudarsan Ghosh: Grindability improvement of Ti-6Al-4V using cryogenic cooling. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2014; 228(9):1131-1137. (Impact Factor: 2.6) (Q1 Journal in the category of Mechanical Engineering, Q1 Journal in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering)


Book Chapters


  1. Kamal Kishore, Manoj Kumar Sinha, Dinesh Setti, 'Grinding and Recent Trends', Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Processes: Principles and Applications, 2022, Edited by Varun Sharma, Pulak Mohan Pandey, CRC Press. (ISBN 9781003327394)

  2. Dinesh Setti, 'Electric Discharge Grinding (EDG)', Electric Discharge Hybrid-Machining Processes, 2022, Edited by Basil Kuriachen, Jose Mathew, Uday Shanker Dixit, CRC Press. (ISBN 9781003202301)





  1. Dinesh Setti, B. Kirsch, Peter A. Arrabiyeh, JC Aurich: Visualization of geometrical deviations in micro grinding by kinematic simulations. Proceedings of the 2018 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2018), Paper No. MSEC2018-6576, pp. V004T03A038; 7 pages. (Presented at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA on 21 - 06 - 2018)


  1. Dinesh Setti, B. Kirsch, JC Aurich: A Method to Predict and Visualize the Wheel and Work Surface Topography in Surface Grinding. Applied Mechanics and Materials 869 - Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes (2017): pp. 62-68. (Presented at Speyer, Germany on 08 - 06 - 2017)

  2. Dinesh Setti, B. Kirsch, JC Aurich: 2017, An Analytical Method for Prediction of Material Deformation Behavior in Grinding Using Single Grit Analogy. Procedia CIRP 58 - Proceedings of the 16th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations, pp. 263-268. (Presented at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, Cluny, France on 17 - 06 - 2017)


  1. Dinesh Setti, S Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: An Effective Method to Determine the Optimum Parameters for Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Grinding. 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design, and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2014), Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India; 12/2014


  1. Dinesh Setti, S Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: 2013, Review on minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) in grinding and its application with Nanofluids. A National Conference on Manufacturing: Vision for Future (MVF2013), IIT Guwahati, India. (October 12-13/2013) pp.61-65.

  2. Dinesh Setti, Jose Mathew: 2013, Modelling of burr formation in Micro End Milling. 8th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-8), NIT Calicut, Kerala, India. (December 13-15/2013) pp. 90-95.


  1. Dinesh Setti, S. Ghosh, P Venkateswara Rao: 2012, Application of nano cutting fluid under Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) technique to improve grinding of Ti – 6Al – 4V alloy, International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering (ICAMAME-2012), Lucerne, Switzerland. (October 15-16/2012) pp. 512-516.


  1. Dinesh Setti, Jose Mathew: 2011, Modelling of Surface Roughness in Micro End Milling through Response Surface Method. 7th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-7), College of Engineering Pune, India. (December 10-11/2011) pp. 459-462.


  1. Dinesh Setti, Mukesh M, Jose Mathew: 2010, Study of Tool Wear and Surface Roughness in Micro End Milling. 3rd International and 24th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2010), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. (December 13-15/2010) pp.401-404.

  2. Mukesh M, Dinesh Setti, Viran V, Manu R, Jose Mathew: 2010, Experimental Studies on Cutting Forces and Surface Roughness in Micro Turning. 3rd International and 24th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2010), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. (December 13-15/2010) pp.365-370.​  


updated on 20-01-2025

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