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'Grinding is the common collective name for machining processes which utilize hard abrasive particles as the cutting medium. The grinding process of shaping materials is probably the oldest in existence, dating from the time prehistoric man found that he could sharpen his tools by rubbing them against gritty rocks. Nowadays, grinding is a major manufacturing process which accounts for about 20–25% of the total expenditures on machining operations in industrialized countries. Almost everything that we use has either been machined by grinding at some stage of its production or processed by machines that owe their precision to abrasive operations. Grinding is traditionally regarded as a final machining process in producing components requiring smooth surfaces and fine tolerances. There is no process which can compete with grinding for most precision machining operations, but the process is far from being confined to this type of work.'

- Excerpt from the book GRINDING TECHNOLOGY by Stephen Malkin and Changsheng Guo 



"It can be stated unequivocally that because of the significant contributions by the pioneers and their associates, metal cutting and grinding research today is rich in its heritage and contents, and has contributed towards the improvement of manufacturing productivity. This monumental work, which became a classic, continues to inspire many researchers in this field even today."

      - Applied Mechanics Review,  Mar 1993, 46(3): 80-132


I am one among many others in the field of grinding, inspired by the works of Milton C Shaw, Stephen Malkin, and many other pioneers and their associates. With their inspiration, I continue my work on the mechanics, physics, and mathematics of the grinding process.


MC Shaw.jpg

Milton C Shaw

S Malkin.PNG

Stephen Malkin

Ranga Komanduri.jpg

Ranga Komanduri


Robert S Hahn

Prof. W. B. Rowe

W B Rowe


Books on Grinding

Click on the image to see the details of the corresponding book

The following books are the source of fundamental and practical information about the grinding process.


Grinding Technology
Principles of Abrasive Processing.jpg
Handbook of Machining with Grinding Wheels
Principles-of-modern-Grinding Technology

Grinding Magazines

Click on the text to go to the corresponding magazine page

The following magazines will help the researchers to understand the latest industrial developments related to grinding (especially machine tools):

  1. Grinding & Surface Finishing

  2. Motion

  3. Grindaix 

  4. Cutting Tool Engineering

  5. Today's Medical Developments

  6. FAB Shop



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Selected Keynotes and Review articles on Grinding

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A link to the selected backfiles (published before 1995)

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I would recommend having a look at the following articles for those who are keen on grinding. I believe that these articles will provide a context to the current thinking. (The list is not complete, and the update is in progress)

Grinding Mechanisms
Grinding Wheel - Properties, Dressing & Topography
Grinding - Deflections, Chattering & Vibrations
Grinding - Work Surface Topography & Integrity
Grinding Thermal Aspects (links not yet updated)
Grinding Wheel Wear & Swarf (links not yet updated)
Grinding  - Cooling & Lubrication

updated on 20-01-2025

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